Ecoplay is a clever, low maintenance greywater solution, capable of radically reducing household water consumption.

As the twenty first century progresses, water is becoming one of the biggest political and ecological issues of our age. Quite simply, there isn’t enough to sustain the needs of a growing world population. And while it’s tempting to see drought and dwindling water supplies as problems exclusive to under developed countries, drier summers and climate change are affecting us all. In fact, people living in the South East of England now have less available water per person per day than those in countries such as Sudan and Syria (source: Waterwise). Neither is it a problem that’s going to go away in the near future. The Government is already committed to building nearly a quarter of a million new houses each year by 2016 to accommodate a UK population that’s set to reach 77m people by 2060 (source: IT Facts).

Ecoplay can reduce water consumption and drainage loads in the average home by as much as 30%

Water availability

With approx 50% of all UK water being consumed in the home, the Government have recognised that their strategic response should focus on new dwellings, in particular at design stage where a range of measures can be considered to reduce water consumption. In addition to increased metering and a reduction in leakage rates, the Code for Sustainable Homes became mandatory on May 1st 2008 to help ease the growing demand on water resources in UK households.

Ecoplay is a clever, low maintenance greywater solution, capable of radically reducing household water consumption. The concept behind Ecoplay is a simple one; instead of allowing all the water from the bath or shower to drain away, why not re-use it to flush the toilet?

By diverting bathing or showering water to the Ecoplay system where it is treated and stored, Ecoplay can reduce water consumption and drainage loads in the average home by as much as 30%.

Better still, it can offer a simple way of achieving a Code level 3 and 4 pass without any other modifications to existing supply systems or appliances - even with today’s trend for high flow devices like power showers. Recognition for Ecoplay Since its launch, Ecoplay has won several major awards for design and its contribution to the environment.

For more information on this and other system contact SAS Trewartha's today on 01579 340505 or emsail

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