Domestic RHI Finally Announced


After two years of moved launch dates and a vague payment structure the Domestic RHI has finally been announced. Biomass and heat pumps are aimed at off gas areas which equates to around 4 million homes, solar thermal is for everyone. off gas map here

The rates look to be fairly attractive and have been set at;

  • 7.3p/kWh for air source heat pumps;
  • 12.2p/kWh for biomass boilers;
  • 18.8p/kWh for ground source heat pumps
  • 19.2 p/kWh for solar thermal.

The tariffs will be paid for 7 years and will be index linked to RPI as before. 7 years may not seem as good as FIT's but although the period is shorter the ROI will be much higher.

Anything installed now will be eligible for payments once it launches.

We've done some quick calcs...

  • Air source heat pump should net around £700 - £900 pa
  • a 15kW Biomass should net around £2400 pa
  • Ground source Heat pump £2800 pa
  • Solar Thermal £300 pa

The above figures only take into account RHI payments, not fuel savings.  For someone using Oil or LPG for heating their savings could run to many £thousands per year.

Call us on 01579 340505 to discuss how we can help

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